3GPP –
Re 99, Re, 5, R4 See 8, Re 9, Re, 10
26 Series- Codec
25 Series- Aceess Startum
24 Series- NAS
21 Series- Requirement Management.
30 Series-Program Management
-Describe the real time project in Layer1, layer 2, layer 3 of next generation telecom technologies on wireless protocol stack development from scratch to end which covers the series of PDLC services from Design and Development to Sustenance and Support, and also extends agilely to Platform Modernization and Application Management.
–Prime bit’s team of highly experienced software architects and engineers will teach you how to collect the Requirements, analyze it and define the module interface to develop the complete product.
-Describes how to work with a variety of development and test environments, utilizing a huge range of tools and technologies that should very familiar with Agile, and Waterfall development methodologies.
-Discuss how to use 3GPP in your project development and how to decode the information elements and compile the messages.
– Discuss how to track and fix the bug by using debugging and bug tracking tool.
–Will discuss the system integration and how to release the different version of product.
Debugging tools: GDB
Bug Tracking tool: JIRA and BugZilla
Version tool: CVS ,SVN
Software configuration management : clear case
Compiler: GCC and ASN.1
Protocol Analyzer and network Simulator
Chipset and Log capture tool: Broadcom, Intel and QUALCOMM
3GPP Specification